B-Project Wiki

The oldest member of B-PROJECT. Kento is a flirt who often goes on dates with girls. When not busy with dates, he is concerned with his looks, in particular his bangs.


With 181 cm, he is the tallest member alongside his junior Shingari Miroku. Kento's light blue hair is parted to the left and is cut in a mix of a side-and undercut, leaning to the latter. His eyes have the same colour as his hair, a clear light blue. A prominent feature are his long bottom eyelashes. 

Kento often wears button-down shirts or sweaters. In general, he is well-dressed.


Kento often is described a narcisst with high pride. Despite his flirtatious and carefree attitude he pays close attention to his surroundings. Though Kento has a rather big gap in personality. He does not believe in teamwork and tends to push his mistakes on other people. Albeit he does his best, when things do not go as he planned he can become indifferent and cold.

A defining character trait of Kento is his lack of understanding for love. This is why he has great difficulties expressing genuine feelings of love when it comes to acting.[1] He is not aware of his need for warmth and love.


Episode 9 of Season 1 and some cards hint at a lonely past. It resulted in his complex view on love.



  • Kento hates nattō.[2]
  • Owns a driver's license.
  • He tends to drink when he is lonely.[3]
  • Kento does not like it when a girl chooses work over him.[4]
  • He is quite clumsy and has a passion for herbal tea. He also hates rain and bugs.
  • His representative animal is a fox. His personal monster/mascot is called Kenheart.



  1. New Story Chapter 2: THRIVE's love
  2. Gandhara BB+ RADIO on 23.09.18
  3. SR [PARTY NIGHT] Aizome Kento
  4. SR [Hikoboshi]

